Brand Protection

Unauthorized Seller Removal – Unauthorized sellers on Amazon, Walmart, eBay, and other marketplaces can harm your brand’s reputation, disrupt pricing, and lead to counterfeit sales. Brand Enforcement Law helps businesses remove unauthorized sellers, enforce MAP policies, and implement quality controls to protect their brand’s integrity.

Cease and Desist Letter – Unauthorized sellers and infringers on Amazon and other e-commerce platforms can threaten your brand’s reputation and profitability. Brand Enforcement Law drafts powerful Cease and Desist letters to stop trademark, copyright, and patent violations, compelling infringers to halt unlawful activities before further legal action is necessary.

Distributor Agreements – Well-crafted distribution agreements are essential for removing unauthorized sellers and enforcing MAP pricing across e-commerce platforms like Amazon, Walmart, and eBay. Brand Enforcement Law helps brands draft agreements that establish strict quality controls, limit product distribution to authorized sellers, and create the legal basis to take action against unauthorized resellers.

MAP Pricing Enforcement – Unauthorized price reductions can erode brand value and disrupt market stability. Brand Enforcement Law helps businesses enforce Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) policies, ensuring compliance across Amazon, Walmart, and other e-commerce platforms. We provide monitoring, violation tracking, and legal enforcement to safeguard your brand’s pricing strategy and profitability.